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How to get a loan against your NFTS?

For the borrowers, getting a loan against their NFTs is pretty much straight forward. Borrowers list their assets as collateral, and their NFTs appear on the loan marketplace. Borrowers are free to accept or decline offers from lenders and choose the most attractive loan terms, including loan duration, amount to return and Loan-to-Value ratio.

Can NFTS be used as collateral?

Independent lenders are increasingly using services like Arcade to connect with NFT owners who want to borrow money by using their NFTs as collateral. The idea is to give people who sink large amounts of money into NFTs, an increasingly popular investment, a way to get some cash without having to sell their digital assets.

Can you lend against NFT tokens?

Since prices for NFT tokens are highly subjective due to the nature of the underlying assets, which is digital art in most cases, the lenders can offer their own loan terms, determining the amount they are willing to lend against NFT collateral, the repayment amount or interest on the loan and duration.

Will we see more NFT loan platforms in the future?

I expect we’ll see plenty more NFT loan platforms going forward as NFTs continue to become more important in society, and as appraisals and other valuations techniques get built out.

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